Saints and Sufis

Yogi Mahajan >
Our new aesthetics is an experience of the universal. The Feminine Principle is central to this. From our window we only see a part of the sky, but if we step out and see the qualities of the Feminine Principle permeating the lives of women, we see the infinite sky.

Yogi Mahajan >
The realized saints of India were ordinary people like you and me. They were humble seekers who accumulated much karma, wading through the brunt and banes of mundane life. They were not particularly favoured by fate. Mostly unlettered, they were weavers, potters, peasants, merchants, butchers.

Yogi Mahajan >
This is a contemporary Sufi poetry book that leaves one enchanted by the hidden miracle of life. The sight of green shrubs springing in parched crevices of rocks leave us wonderstruck at the miracles of nature. But there are many miracles that nature performs within us of which our conscious mind is unaware.

John Noyce >
A survey of the saints of Maharashtra, focusing on biographical details, their teachings and writings, and secondary literature. The book includes chapters on Jnaneshwara and his family, Namdev and the saints of Pandharpur, the Age of Eknath, the Muslim saints of Maharashtra, Ramdas, Tukaram, the Pandits and the twentieth century.