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Expecting to Fly

ITALIAN LANGUAGE / ITALIANO Questo libro racconta la ricerca del magico e del profondo, in mezzo alle pressioni e alle distrazioni del mondo moderno. È una cronaca che comprende un ricco bagaglio di esperienze vissute in stati elevati di coscienza. Il percorso si snoda in un territorio anomalo: l’autore era, a suo dire, un individuo imprudente, con molte debolezze, guidato da qualcosa che sfuggiva alla sua comprensione. Il suo viaggio racchiude le speranze e le paure dell’infanzia, l’amore trovato e poi perduto, gli eccessi alcolici e le droghe psichedeliche. Egli dipinge con chiarezza le straordinarie proprietà dell’LSD e ne descrive l’iniziale meraviglia e rivelazione sfociate in frustrazione e disillusione, prima di raccontare l’incontro con una singolare “signora dello yoga.” Questo libro è il resoconto sincero delle cose incredibili apprese e vissute in sua compagnia, nel corso di molti anni.


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REVIEW: All dimensions are within

Amazing book. Takes one to a different dimension of existence. I guess that is what many young people are looking for when they take drugs. There is an awareness of something more to life than just getting a job having family, making money and being a consumer. The author describes this with blunt honesty. While reading the book one's own consciousness seems transformed with that of the author. It not only tells an amazing story, it bestows a profound new vision of life and leaves you full of wonder.

Cherry Blossom

REVIEW: An honest acccount of a seeker

This is an excellent account of a man's youth badly affected by all kinds of drugs, especially mind-changing products like LSD, in his search for what he is unsure of. He comes across Shri Mataji and her Sahaja Yoga meditation and slowly gets himself straightened out, becoming more balanced and finally completely free from the need for drugs. The gently awakening of his spiritual energy, called Kundalini, helps him to lead a transformed life that leads him to inner peace, wisdom and his Spiritual Self.

Nick Du Cass

REVIEW: Great tale of a spiritual journey

I was drawn by the title of this book. I have been on a spiritual journey for sometime now and books like this one cross my path at the right time. This book was a good insight into the personality and character of Shri Mataj and the journey and transformation of Patrick with many passages I could identify with. The story was beautifully written and Shri Mataj's character really came through.Since reading, I have watched many more of her talks and guided meditations. She was truly a kind, wise and enlightened soul trying to lift humanity from the darkness. Thank you for sharing your journey! Namaste!


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